Tuesday 12 March 2013

More pics from our last snow day...snow covered fences

It is so beautiful how the snow was accumilating on this thin wire fence!

It was truley a Winter Wonderland!


  1. wowww fantastic snow:-)
    Hugs, Emanuela

    1. Yes, it was so beautiful. I knew when I woke up in the early morning that I must remember to take my camera. I left extra early for work so I could stop along the way to take these pictures. I take all country roads to get to work versus the main highway which is much quicker. I prefer to see the sheep and cows along my path than sitting in bumper to bumper traffic.
      I think this was our last major snowfall. We have a bit of snow this morning, just enough to cover all the melting, dirty snow. I love our seasons but I am always glad when spring arrives and all the little bulbs I planted last fall start to spring up.
      Thank you for commenting on my blog. Hugs back...Holly
