Saturday, 22 August 2020

1/4 inch hexies and new loves! Thank you Kathleen for your inspiration 😁

Happy Stitching all! 

We went camping with my Bro and family but the weather did not cooperate. We ended up coming home early. Blah!

Pickle approval from my Big Bro🥰
Big Bro and G off to fish the day away.

Welsh cakes (Moms famous recipe) and caterpillars don’t mix in my opinion but K thinks otherwise 😆
Perfectly roasted marshmallow, dipped in Baileys... another family tradition.
We got rained out but enjoyed the few days we did get out. Back home to reality and getting ready to go back to school after being off since March. Bring it on! 

Sunday, 16 August 2020

 Good Morning blog friends,

Another zoom meeting with Chooky and her followers.  It's always great to see everyone again, catch up with what everyone's is up to and of course how Covid19 is treating their corner of the world.  I'm never a person of many words but love listening to everyone else chime in.  I am still in awe of Kathleen's 1/2" hexies.  

I have a few projects on the go, maybe a few too many but love the variety.  

Summermoon, using Tilda fabrics. Stay tuned for progress pics.

Diamonds, designed by Border Creek Station.  This is the second hexie project I have started.  Each hexie is 3/4".  I am very pleased with my progress so far and will quilt it using the 'big stitch' technique.  

I've also been on a 'pillow kick' lately.  I love Edyta Sidar and her new book Pillow Talk.  I thought I would work my way through her book making pillows for Christmas gifts.  So far I have made two and love them both.  It will be hard to part with them.

And finally...its pickle season.  1 Bushel down.  That was crazy since I had only ever pickled once before and had no idea how many pickles came in a bushel.  43 jars later they are done.  We can't wait to taste them in 30 days.

Saturday, 1 July 2017

Happy 150th Canada!

I made this not only to honor Canada's 150th birthday but also in honour of my late Father who was a Royal Canadian Mounted Police, for my friend, Tammy Felts who recently retired from the RCMP, and for my 2 Aunts, and 2 Uncles (Robert Veale, Beverly Veale, Douglas Veale and Shawna Veale)who have also retired and served in the Royal Canadian Air Force and for my best friends son Stephen Muench who is currently in the Royal Canadian Army.  Thank you all for your service to our great country.  God Bless you all! 

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

A year! Done and dusted...binding on!

Here I am a year later!  Well better late than never although that saying seems so lame in this case.  Oh well, life has been rather hectic.  With out further ado...
Thank you, Thank you Chooky and Sue for this adventure.  See you on the next one! 

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

I'm still sorry I have been absent from bogland!

I owe you all an apology as I was gone for so long with no reasons...just excuses!  I had my quilt done in February but my daily life got in the way and I forgot to tell Susan and Chooky that I am allergic to binding.  I am also allergic to dust so I am in big trouble as my quilt has been sitting in one spot for almost 3 months.  I am feeling ashamed.  Thank you Chooky and Susan for not giving up on me and for encouraging me to come back to blog land.  I'll be back soon.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

I am very behind in posting my SAL blocks for May, June and now July...yikes!

I am so bad at blogging but I am promise to catch up and stay in tune!

I have especially enjoyed making July's block as I took it with me to stitch on our trip to Australia!  What an amazing trip it was!  I am getting my pictures ready to post so stay tuned...


June making hexies!

May each one of these blocks.  I do need to hurry up and put legs and heads on my ladybugs though!  Yikes!