Saturday, 22 August 2020

1/4 inch hexies and new loves! Thank you Kathleen for your inspiration ๐Ÿ˜

Happy Stitching all! 

We went camping with my Bro and family but the weather did not cooperate. We ended up coming home early. Blah!

Pickle approval from my Big Bro๐Ÿฅฐ
Big Bro and G off to fish the day away.

Welsh cakes (Moms famous recipe) and caterpillars donโ€™t mix in my opinion but K thinks otherwise ๐Ÿ˜†
Perfectly roasted marshmallow, dipped in Baileys... another family tradition.
We got rained out but enjoyed the few days we did get out. Back home to reality and getting ready to go back to school after being off since March. Bring it on! 


  1. THanks to Chooky's blog post today I found you! Sorry about your camping trip, but it still seems you had a nice time!

    1/4 inch hexies? Both you and Kathleen are crazy, but they are so cute!

    I still have not received your quilt block. That is insane.

    1. So glad you found me. Time away with my Bro and family is always treasured even if its just a few days.
      Those 1/4 hexies are tiny but I'm obsessed with that in itself. Slow going but still loving them.
      Perhaps it's time to make a replacement block and resend with tracking.

  2. OMG 2 posts.......I am so excited.....yes those 1/4 inch hexies are lovely........I like your block....
    glad you had a nice time away even if it got cut short........oh never thought to dip the toasted marshmellows in baileys.......must try it.......

    1. 3rd post is coming up Chooky! Dont choke! You best try out the roasted marshmellows dipped in Baileys, you will be hooked!

  3. Your hexies are super cute! Nice to be able to go away with the family, shame you had to cut it short. Marshmallows in Bailey's sounds wonderful.

  4. Snap! I have been making teeny hexies too! Very cute! What a shame your weekend was rained out.

    1. yes, Michelle, they are so tiny, but addictive wouldn't you agree?! The few days we got with my Bro and family were fabulous, that's the main thing. We will be together again soon I'm sure.

  5. Good that you managed to get away and make some memories, especially this year. Good on you for 1/4" hexies, but not on my bucket list!

    1. We loved our time with my Bro and his family even if for a few days. We will try again at Thanksgiving in October.
      Loving those hexies!

  6. Such cute hexies. I wonder how many you will end up making? I donโ€™t know if I would have the patience. It looks like you had a great time camping, while it lasted. We first tried Welsh cakes in Wales 2 years ago. Yum. Iโ€™m glad your pickles received a big tick.

  7. Thank you Janice, I'm loving these hexies! I wonder how many I will make too, LOL. We had a fabulous time albeit the rain. I have no idea where my Mom got her recipe for her Welsh cakes from. As long as I can remember she was making them. Unfortunately she is not with us anymore. I am now the new family designated Welsh Cake baker. I only make them for special occasions.
